Spring flowers

Spring Cleaning Tips

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With spring officially upon us, many of you may be eager to start your spring cleaning. However, with so much to cover before the flowers reach full bloom, you may be feeling overwhelmed. That’s why we prepared our top spring cleaning tips for your convenience.

Spring cleaning is the perfect time of year to donate your old clothes, declutter your once-beloved items, and do a thorough deep cleaning of your entire home. We’ve created this guide on how to effectively spring clean, to help you overcome any barriers that may be keeping you from taking that first step into a fresher home.

spring cleaning tips

Pre Spring Cleaning Tips:

1) Put your tasks into a checklist. It’s best to divide each task between decluttering and deep cleaning. Consider decluttering before tackling the grimy corners of your home.

2) Make sure you have all the supplies you need to start cleaning – from garbage bags to microfiber cloths. This will keep you on track!

3) Section off areas of your house before cleaning, and tackle one area at a time.

Tips for Decluttering:

Decluttering can be difficult, especially if your clothes or items have sentimental value to you. People may sometimes fear regretting giving an item away, so they hold onto things that are no longer useful.  

There are a few ways to combat decluttering anxiousness, such as:

1) Section off areas of your home you would like to declutter, whether it be the garage or your closet. You may want to schedule different days to clear out each area, depending on how much time you have and how much stuff you would like to get rid of. It’s always best to tackle the hardest tasks first!

2) Divide your items into piles of “maybe keep” for the items you are hesitant to let go of, and “give away” for the items you are sure no longer serve you. If you are certain about giving away an item, you can go ahead and throw it into a bag or box and take it to a local charity shop or donation bin. For the “maybe keep” items, organize and store them in your garage or closet for two weeks. If you didn’t miss an item during this time, go ahead and toss it. If you did miss the item, put it back where it belongs.

Additional Tips for Decluttering:

3) Consider implementing the KonMari method, which involves assessing items based on whether they spark joy in your life. This can help you let go of things that no longer serve you.

4) Enlist the help of a friend or family member to provide support and encouragement during the decluttering process.

5) Set realistic goals for decluttering each area of your home, and reward yourself for reaching these milestones.

Tips for Deep Cleaning:

1) Section off your home, dividing the rooms you have to clean. Once you have divided each room, you can also divide areas of a specific room.

2) Start with the most daunting rooms, then work your way down to the simpler rooms.

3) Use natural cleaning products whenever possible to minimize exposure to harsh chemicals and create a healthier environment for your family.

4) Don’t forget about often overlooked areas such as light fixtures, baseboards, and the areas behind appliances. These areas can accumulate dust and grime over time and may require extra attention during your deep cleaning session.

By following these spring cleaning tips, you can tackle your spring cleaning with confidence and enjoy a fresh, organized home as you welcome the new season. April showers are already on the way to bringing may flowers, so what are you waiting for? Happy cleaning!

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