Changes to the Real Estate Industry; 5 Reasons to Work With A Realtor Although there are many reasons to seek out representation, here are 5 reasons to work with a realtor during your real estate transaction. As of…
Rent to Own: Seize Your Home Sweet Home in Ontario Do you live in Ontario? Have you heard of the rent-to-own programs available to you? Amidst the challenges imposed by inflation, many people are looking…
Confidence in Ontario Real Estate Market Growing: OREA TORONTO – Since Ipsos and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA)’s last Home Ownership Index poll six months ago, Ontario residents’ outlook on real estate…
Ontario Government Proposes Condo Act Overhaul TORONTO – Originally introduced in 1998, Ontario’s Condominium Act may soon be updated once again, with the aim of more effectively protecting condo buyers across…
Remembering “Noble & Wolf v. Alley” Federal government honours landmark ruling against discrimination in real estate LONDON – Long regarded as one of the Canadian real estate industry’s most memorable milestones,…
The 2014 Municipal Election: A Guide for Homeowners GREATER TORONTO – Most of our readers have probably already noticed that municipal elections are once again upon us, with a set general election date of…
Career Series: the ABCs of Ontario Real Estate GTA REAL ESTATE – When you become a real estate sales representative in Ontario, your brokerage isn’t the only organization you’ll be dealing with. Some…
2013 Yields Strong Spring for Construction in Toronto GTA REAL ESTATE – Toronto experienced “significant gains in construction intentions” this May, according to Statistics Canada. The government agency’s July 8 report, entitled Building…
CMHC Predicts “Modest Growth” for Ontario Housing Market in 2014 GTA REAL ESTATE MARKET – The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Cooperation (CMHC)’s Housing Market Outlook for the first quarter of 2013 featured some predictions for…